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4 Levels of Discipleship - Commitment to the Body of Christ

Action Steps

2. Commitment to the Body of Christ


The second level is Commitment to the Body of Christ.  This level anchors members in the values, teachings, and mission of Christ’s Church.  Level II is designed to help members and newly baptized members grow deeper roots in their relationship with other members and leaders.  This will build a strong commitment and loyalty to the body of Christ and fellowship by networking with the church family. 


This involves helping a member grow deeper in Christ and mature spiritually by learning to worship, work, pray and network with other members of the church.  Level II is designed to help members, especially the newly baptized, grow in their relationship with other Adventist Christians, and instill Bible knowledge, and practical lessons for their daily spiritual walk with Christ.  God designed His children to live in a codependency community setting. 


Christ wants His people to help each other grow.  No one reaches their highest spiritual potential by themselves.  Christians need each other to encourage, inspire and challenge each other to reach their highest potential for Christ.  


Classes are designed to anchor members spiritually to the teaching of the church and its mission.  Some of the basic classes are intercessory prayer, developing the fruits of the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, doing God’s will, learning to use the armor of God, Bible reading and study plan, how to share your faith, and more.


For relationship building, members are invited to a home Bible fellowship study small group to develop friendships and a sense of community.  This level is vital before the member launches out into a ministry since it establishes a much needed support system.  They develop the “buddy system” or team mindset.  They spend time at the feet of Jesus Christ learning from Him before they are sent out. 


The apostle Paul spent at least three years in Arabia before he began his ministry.  It is critical that the member develop cohesion or a “team work” mentality with other members of the church.  The body of believers becomes his support team.  Jesus sent His disciples out two by two.


Before a member attempts to reach out to “strangers” with the help of a lay minister, the member should set up a family and social network list for the support team to pray for him and equip him.  The objective is to train every member at this point of spiritual maturity to witness effectively by sharing his love and faith both with his family and his social network.




1. Completion of Level I requirements.

2. Be part of a home Bible study small group.  This level assimilates new members within the first six-month period. 

3. Be a Leader Apprentice (LA) for a home Bible study group


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